
* Committees will not be functional this year.



Work with other garden club members to plant and maintain  town's pocket parks.

Pocket Parks:

  • Hatters Lane and Colton Street

  • Porter Road and Garden Street

  • School Street and Mountain Road (Noah Wallace School)

  • High Street and Mountain Road

  • Church Street and Main Street



  • Maintain the website keeping information current.

  • Maintain online forms and documents.

Civic & Community Service


  • Make small gifts (holiday & Memorial Day) for senior citizens, distributed by the Services for the Elderly in conjunction with Meals on Wheels.

  • Decorate holiday wreaths and distribute to many non-profit organizations in town.

  • Collect and drop off Farmington Food Pantry donations.

  • Present civic awards to local businesses for outstanding landscaping design and maintenance.

Flowers & Exhibits*


Optional participation at the following fundraisers:

  • Festival of Trees & Traditions at the Wadsworth Atheneum

  • Fine Art & Flowers entry at the Wadsworth Atheneum

  • Rooms in Bloom at the Hill-Stead Museum

  • Wine and Roses at Elizabeth Park

Founders Fund


Organize and implement an annual program for Club and community members honoring the spirit of the Club's founders. 

Guest Night/Brunch


Organize an annual social event for members and their guests operating on a break-even basis.

Horticulture & Conservation*


Collect and share general horticultural facts, tips, and suggestions with the membership at regular intervals.



  • Maintain name tags for members and guests.

  • Organize teams and manage food, beverage and table decorations suitable for time and venue of meetings.

  • Appoint team leader/hostess for each meeting.

  • Provide assignments and responsibilities for member meetings.

  • Ensure the necessary supplies are available at meetings.



  • Facilitate identification, recruitment and integration of prospective members.

  • Plan and organize new member orientation.

  • Reach out and seek to engage Sustainers.

  • Process prospective member applications and present new members.


Nominate officers for the following year.



Develop and implement the Club's educational/informational programs and publish the annual membership directory.

Publicity & Archives*


  • Maintain Club archives and memorabilia.

  • Photograph events and activities for public release and archives.

  • Generate Club publicity.

sustainer representative

Act as liaison between Sustainers and regular members.

ways & means


  • Develop and implement Club fundraising activities.